The Visiting Forester program at Philmont Scout Ranch consists of volunteer professional foresters who spend a week at this premiere Boy Scout High Adventure Base sharing their knowledge with various Philmont participants.
The Visiting Forester Program will run from June 11 through August 20, 2022. Two (in some cases 3) Visiting Foresters will be selected for each of ten sessions of camp.
If you are interested in being considered as a Visiting Forester, please complete and submit this application to Mary Stuever, VF Coordinator, HC 75, Box 100, Chama, NM 87520, or fax 575-588-7333.
Once you are notified by Mary which session and location you are assigned, then complete the Philmont Staff Application located at online. When asked to attach a cover letter, please attach the letter provided by Mary confirming your selection for the Visiting Forester program.
Visiting Forester Openings for 2022
As of 6/2/22; 4 spots available
Visiting Forester Coordinator – Staff Training TBD, various visits TBD Mary Stuever
June 11 to June 19
Demonstration Forest full
June 18 to June 26
Demonstration Forest full
June 25 to July 3
Demonstration Forest Full
July 2 to July 10
Demonstration Forest one spot
July 9 to July 17
Demonstration Forest Full
July 16 to July 24
Demonstration Forest two spots
July 23 to July 31
Demonstration Forest Full
July 30 to August 7
Demonstration Forest one spot
August 6 to August 14
Demonstration Forest full
August 13 to August 17 (best for local foresters)
Demonstration Forest full